Ep53: Skip Swies on the Men’s Movement

Ep53: Skip Swies on the Men’s Movement

Skip Swies has been counseling couples, families and individuals for 37 years. During this time, Skip has assisted his clients in identifying and overcoming obstacles on the path toward achieving their goals of closeness and understanding. Currently is working with Life Coach Austin.

His training began at Otterbein University where he held a double major in psychology and education. In 1983 Skip began teaching personal growth intensives and coaching individuals and couples for Global Relationship Centers( GRC). In 1994 he moved his family from Boulder, CO, to Austin where he joined the staff of GRC to train the future instructors while continuing to lead seminars across the country.

Beginning in the late 80s, Skip got involved with Men’s Work and joined his first Men’s group. Shortly after he developed his own seminar weekend entitled Finding the Father. In this experience the men examined the ” father wound” starting with the relationship they had with their fathers. This course and a sister course for women ran for about 10 years.

For the past 7 years, Skip has committed his expertise to “Healing Warrior Hearts”. A weekend to assist service members and their spouses in dealing with the challenges that life after service can present. The goal is to bring our service members more fully home!

Skip and his wife of 46 years have taught together for 37 years and still coach together. Their 3 children and 3 grandchildren all live in Texas.

“Seeing the other clearly and allowing the other to see you, is essential in creating empowering relationships”. – Skip




Bio – Skip Swies

EMAIL: [email protected] 

My Personal Mandala

My Personal Mandala

Mandalas take on countless sizes, shapes and forms and are a tool for gaining perspective, expanding thought and relaxing the mind.

Excerpt from the Power of Myth:

CAMPBELL: “Mandala” is the Sanskrit word for “circle,” but a circle that is coordinated or symbolically designed so that it has the meaning of a cosmic order. When composing mandalas, you are trying to coordinate your personal circle with the universal circle. In a very elaborate Buddhist mandala, for example, you have the deity in the center as the power source, the illumination source. The peripheral images would be manifestations or aspects of the deity’s radiance.
In working out a mandala for yourself, you draw a circle and then think of the different impulse systems and value systems in your life. Then you compose them and try to find out where your center is. Making a mandala is a discipline for pulling all those scattered aspects of your life together, for finding a center and ordering yourself to it. You try to coordinate your circle with the universal circle.
MOYERS: To be at the center?
CAMPBELL: At the center, yes….

My personal mandala has been evolving over the past few years. It is the place I can go at any time to pause and reflect, to pray, to meditate, or just sit in quiet contemplation in an empty space between the lines for a while. – Clay Boykin



Ep50: Myth Salon (3-3)

The Myth Salon recently hosted Clay Boykin and his producer, Dennis Tardan, who are in search of the new compassionate male. It is no secret that centuries of patriarchy and a skewed sense of masculinity bear much of the responsibility for steering humanity away from the nature and the deep feminine. Male empowerment has formed the foundation upon which our current cultural and political conditions rest. Clay Boykin and Dennis Tardan believe that amidst the turmoil in the world the new compassionate male is emerging as the new archetype. While much of their work may focus on transforming males and the masculine, the core values and principles evoke the relational qualities of the deep feminine. Based in Austin, Texas, they are engaging thought leaders who have developed conversations with enlightened people of all stripes and we are deeply privileged to have had them at The Myth Salon this month to explore this new paradigm.

Ep49: Myth Salon (2-3)

The Myth Salon recently hosted Clay Boykin and his producer, Dennis Tardan, who are in search of the new compassionate male. It is no secret that centuries of patriarchy and a skewed sense of masculinity bear much of the responsibility for steering humanity away from the nature and the deep feminine. Male empowerment has formed the foundation upon which our current cultural and political conditions rest. Clay Boykin and Dennis Tardan believe that amidst the turmoil in the world the new compassionate male is emerging as the new archetype. While much of their work may focus on transforming males and the masculine, the core values and principles evoke the relational qualities of the deep feminine. Based in Austin, Texas, they are engaging thought leaders who have developed conversations with enlightened people of all stripes and we are deeply privileged to have had them at The Myth Salon this month to explore this new paradigm.

Ep48: Myth Salon (1-3)

The Myth Salon recently hosted Clay Boykin and his producer, Dennis Tardan, who are in search of the new compassionate male. It is no secret that centuries of patriarchy and a skewed sense of masculinity bear much of the responsibility for steering humanity away from the nature and the deep feminine. Male empowerment has formed the foundation upon which our current cultural and political conditions rest. Clay Boykin and Dennis Tardan believe that amidst the turmoil in the world the new compassionate male is emerging as the new archetype. While much of their work may focus on transforming males and the masculine, the core values and principles evoke the relational qualities of the deep feminine. Based in Austin, Texas, they are engaging thought leaders who have developed conversations with enlightened people of all stripes and we are deeply privileged to have had them at The Myth Salon this month to explore this new paradigm.

Ep48-49-50: The Myth Salon

Ep48-49-50: The Myth Salon

The Myth Salon recently hosted Clay Boykin and his producer, Dennis Tardan, who are in search of the new compassionate male. It is no secret that centuries of patriarchy and a skewed sense of masculinity bear much of the responsibility for steering humanity away from the nature and the deep feminine. Male empowerment has formed the foundation upon which our current cultural and political conditions rest. Clay Boykin and Dennis Tardan believe that amidst the turmoil in the world the new compassionate male is emerging as the new archetype. While much of their work may focus on transforming males and the masculine, the core values and principles evoke the relational qualities of the deep feminine. Based in Austin, Texas, they are engaging thought leaders who have developed conversations with enlightened people of all stripes and we are deeply privileged to have had them at The Myth Salon this month to explore this new paradigm.



Clay Boykin is in Search of the New Compassionate Male. His book: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups, was published in 2018. He has dedicated his next twenty years to making the world a better place by empowering men to cultivate and integrate the divine male and divine female essences within, and live a life centered on compassion and serving the greater good.

Dennis Tardan is an interviewer, communication coach and documentarian. For more than 40 years, Dennis has worked as a television interviewer and documentary producer and corporate communication coach for companies such as Shell, Farmers Insurance, ConocoPhillips, Siemens, Rice University and many others.


Dana White is a graduate of Occidental College and the University of Southern California, Dana White received his PhD in Mythological Studies from Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2003.  His dissertation is titled “Re-Imagining Work: Awakening the Call of Right Livelihood.”  He currently serves as a contributing faculty member at Pacifica and as a reader on numerous doctoral dissertation committees.

David Huff PhD, Mythology and Depth Psychology from the Pacifica Graduate Institute in California. He is an award-winning filmmaker and photographer. His photo “We paid at the pump until there was no more” was a finalist in the inaugural Canon Imagin8tion Project with Ron Howard.


Dennis Patrick Slattery, Ph.D. is core faculty, Mythological Studies at Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria California. Pacifica’s unique faculty of distinguished scholars and inspired teachers attracts artists, writers, musicians, film-makers, animators, game designers, teachers, psychologists, pastoral counselors, executives, lawyers, and life-long learners who seek to understand and express the depths of the psyche, and whose lives and careers have been substantially enriched—and often radically transformed—by the power of myth.

Seina Matthews, PhD, Clinical Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute. Clinical Psychologist specializing in Life Span Issues and Personal Transformation using a psycho/spiritual approach to help people find their authentic self and life purpose. Published “Soul Transformation: Engaging the Invisible Actor Within” 2012, a self-help book for the general population and “The Transformational Power of Voice” 2010, an academic book that contends that voice is the oral expression of soul. Keynote Speaker on Engaging Your Transformational Power!

Will Linn is a Philosopher-Storyteller with a Ph.D. in Mythology and Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is the Founding Chair of the General Education Department at Hussian College — a new film and performing arts school named by Variety as a top international film school in 2019 and 2020 — where he teaches courses in myth, story and philosophy. Will participates in documentaries and series as a topic expert on myth and media. “Memory: Origins of Alien” premiered at Sundance before a nation-wide theatrical release in 2019. In 2020, he will be featured in a documentary on mythic landscapes and a series on great myths. Will has served as an editor and director for the Joseph Campbell Foundation as well as a creator and host for the Santa Barbara News-Press radio series, “Mythosophia.” He has presented and taught across continents and California for communities like Esalen, Pacifica Graduate Institute, the Philosophical Research Society and Ojai Foundation.

Vorris Nunley – Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University. Professor Nunley is interested in rhetorical and Critical theory, public pedagogies and composition, visual culture, neo-liberalism and  African American expressive culture.  His work addresses the intersections of rhetoric, space, and episteme (knowledge). Informed by work in literature, rhetoric (traditional/ethnic/gendered), cultural studies, and critical/feminist geography, Professor Nunley argues for the existence of a strand of African American rhetoric  and knowledge he refers to as African American Hush Harbor Rhetoric (AAHHR). Recently, his work engages neo-liberalism as a public pedagogy and how it commodifies, produces, and  mediates the construction and reception of  masculinity/femininity, Blackness,  the communal, and excess.  He is currently the Professor in Residence for the Honors Program.

Zaman Stanizai, Ph.D., Political Science, University of Southern California; M.A., Linguistics, University of Washington. Zaman has a doctorate in Political Science and completed his postgraduate studies in Islamic Mysticism (Sufism) and Islamic Gnosticism (Erfan). He has taught at Kabul University, the University of Southern California, the University of California, Los Angeles, and several community colleges in Southern California. His of areas of specialization are: Islamic Studies; Sufism; Theosophy; Political Philosophy;and Poetic Expression in Mystical Thought. He currently teaches: Islamic Traditions.

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Holding the Tension of Opposites

Holding the Tension of Opposites

The last fifteen years of Carl Jung’s life were lived against the backdrop of the Cold War—that time in our global history when most of the nations of the world were aligned either with the “West” or with the “Communist bloc.” Intermittently throughout this time the people of the world held their breath as they watched confrontations between the United States and the Soviet Union heat up. During one such tense time members of the Psychological Club in Zurich asked Jung if he thought there would be an atomic war. Barbara Hannah recalled his reply:

“I think it depends on how many people can stand the tension of the opposites in themselves. If enough can do so, I think the situation will just hold, and we shall be able to creep around innumerable threats and thus avoid the worst catastrophe of all: the final clash of opposites in an atomic war. But if there are not enough and such a war should break out, I am afraid it would inevitably mean the end of our civilization as so many civilizations have ended in the past but on a smaller scale.”

“…I had learned that all the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally insoluble…. They can never be solved, but only outgrown.”

Excerpt from 2013 Article in Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences: Jung’s Challenge to Us: “Holding the Tension of the Opposites”


Marion Woodman is Jungian analyst from Ontario, Canada, born in 1928. This is a talk from 1991.

Ashley Turner – The Hero’s journey


Ep47: Jeff Bullion on Men and Self-Compassion

Ep47: Jeff Bullion on Men and Self-Compassion


Jeff Bullion is a modern day Trailblazer who has set the intention to change how we view fitness and ourselves. Jeff combines his Spiritual life coaching and personal training certifications with neuroscience backed tools to help others reach their ultimate goals.  As a spiritual fitness coach, Jeff helps others find self-acceptance through personal insights & intentional behavior.

In addition to Spiritual Fitness Coaching, Jeff operates the website TurningLifeAround.com, which serves as a platform for blogging and providing educational materials.  Jeff’s blog reflects his personal experiences and the accumulation of his lifelong learning.  The blogs range in subject from “understanding why he gets disappointed” to “how he learned to make the right choice every time”.  Common threads in all of his blogs are awareness, consciousness and self-empowerment.   These elements along with “authenticity” are the cornerstone of his coaching practice.

[email protected]
Phone:  512-743-3928

  • NASM/NCCA Certified Personal Trainer #1170107920
  • NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) #1190350069
  • ACTP Certified Spiritual Life Coach
  • ACC International Coaching Federation
  • Divine Intelligence Process Coach
Ep45: Jeanette Hargreaves, M.Div. – On Anger and Healing

Ep45: Jeanette Hargreaves, M.Div. – On Anger and Healing

Powerful for both women and men. – Jeanette Hargreaves helps moms who lose their temper because she used to lose her temper every day. As a mom with a Master’s in Divinity, she founded tempercoaching.com to help other parents like her break the cycle. She works as a parenting coach, teaching private parenting classes over the phone. She also speaks with groups. And she has a new book, The Day I Threw Banana Bread and Almost Went to Jail: True Stories About How I Used to Lose My Temper (and How I Learned to Stop). You can buy it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble




As a mom with a Masters in Divinity, Jeanette Hargreaves founded tempercoaching.com to help parents like her break the yelling cycle. Now, in this tender and inspiring new book, Jeanette shares her most vulnerable stories about losing her temper with her own family and how she was treated as a child.

With heart-breaking honesty and laugh-out-loud truths, Jeanette walks step by step through the stories and the practical techniques that helped her break free. From dancing in the kitchen to yawning like a mama lion, Jeanette motivates and challenges you to join her on the journey to be the patient mom you want to be.

With deep strength and grace, The Day I Threw Banana Bread and Almost Went to Jail reveals how to put laughter, love and family values back at the center of your life.

website: https://jeanettehargreaves.com/



Ep44: Charlie Barker MD, MPH – On Compassion and Men

Ep44: Charlie Barker MD, MPH – On Compassion and Men


Charles Barker MD, MPH is founder and president of Compassionate Dallas/Fort Worth, a non-profit organization that promotes the Charter for Compassion, the value of compassion and compassionate action in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, using the Golden Rule as operating principle.

He is currently president of Compassionate DFW and moderator of the Board of Directors, a board representing all twelve sectors of the international Charter and encourages and coordinates the Community Campaigns, as well as partnerships in the DFW area. His background and experience is in the field of medicine, with emphasis in preventive medicine and biomedical ethics, frequently facilitating medical school ethics sessions at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. He is currently authoring a book centered on being and becoming excellent, a series of reflections.