Martin Dowman has taught me a great deal about men and compassion; by the way he shows up in the world and models the way for others. Martin knows the value of cultivating deep and meaningful relationships with men, how to stand in one’s truth with an open heart, and how to hold space for another man going through their dark night of the soul.
Martin is Co-Director of the Unity Light Center outside of Baldwin City, Ka., and has been instrumental in programs in South Africa supporting disadvantaged youth.
The Light Center is a beacon lighting the way into a vibrant future. Harmonizing with the earth, inspiring personal, local and global connection, providing safe space for spiritual growth and healing, and empowering youth. The Light Center is a retreat center, and an organic sustainable farm, providing natural sacred spaces for hiking and camping, celebrations and ceremonies. Here, it is a safe space for creating new paths into the future with open hearts.
Creator – Clay Boykin
Producer – Dennis Tardan
In Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin is a self funded effort. To become a patron or to make a one-time donations visit: and click on Patreon.
Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male
Twitter: @ccboykin
Write me at: [email protected] For Individual Mentoring & Coaching visit Clay at Let’s Talk on
Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon