Clay Boykin

Personal Growth & Development Coach
“Let’s Activate Your Inner Patterns of Wisdom!”

Unleashing Your Potential

What I Do

“Hi, I’m Clay Boykin, I believe, that within each of us is a hidden inner pattern of wisdom. It’s innate. We may call it our inner voice, our inner guide, or simply, a gut feeling. The problem is it often sounds like mind chatter, or mental noise, or our monkey mind, and we wish it away. As part of the RBC team I will work with you to translate these scattered thoughts into a visual and meaningful frame of reference. It’s called your Individual Growth Blueprint and it’s meant to help you find your ‘Why’.”

20-min, no obligation, discovery call.

RBC team

The Babcock Method™, is a comprehensive coaching system designed to help professionals transition from feeling stuck and unfulfilled to thriving in their careers and personal lives. This method promises significant improvements in overall life satisfaction within 90 days. Key aspects of The Babcock Method include:

  • Holistic Approach
  • Guaranteed Results
  • Core Principles and Tools
  • Support and Accountability

About My Process

In Search of the New Compassionate Male Initiative

Video clips from my podcast – I believe that amidst all the turmoil a new compassionate male is emerging as a new archetype.

Client Comments

Warm – Humorous nature – Expansive vision – Deep listening skills. – Captured subtle nuances – Compassionate. – Real-time mind mapping skills. Support during and after consultations. – Andreas Pellegrini – Switzerland

Beautiful approach and process – Intuitive. – Jan Blevins – Austin, Texas

Quickly grasps the essence – Significantly elevated our understanding of the issues – Chuck Robison – Director – Kundalini Research Foundation

Energetic – Creative – Results-focused – Views your issues as his issues – Team player – Asset to any organization. – Brian Bedford – Corporate Human Resources Executive

Invaluable mentorship – Multifaceted background – Enlightening and invigorating  Filled with empathy – Compassionate – Unique perspective – Self-aware – Presents strategies for success that go beyond traditional guidance. – Jack Frick, M.Div., CIC, CISR, AIS.

Authentic – Compassionate – Making a difference in this world – Has changed my life in the most fantastic ways – Martin Dowmen

A great conceptual thinker – Superb motivator – Rich Pendergraph

I was privileged to work with Clay at Motorola on several business group and corporate initiatives. Clay is one of those unique individuals that combines incredible interpersonal skills, business acumen and a special gift of creativity to bring a variety of solutions to any problem or situation. Truly an amazing individual and would bring value to any challenging environment. I highly recommend Clay. – Pete Pichette

Servant leader – Inspiring – Spiritual grounded – Art Carter

Remarkable sensitivity to people and situations – Creative – Intuitive – Perceptive – Makes the complex simple and solvable – Tim Wright

Extremely creative. Organized – Amiable – Excellent communicator – Awesome addition to any organization – Excellent leadership skills – Wonderful person to work with. – Sylvia Stern

Focused. Pragmatic – Natural leader. Integrity – Drive – Tenacity. – Cisalee Morris

Understands the true meaning of leadership – Creative and sometimes “off the wall” solutions brings out the best in everyone – Excellent communicator – Helped enable us add hundreds of millions of dollars in profitable sales to the company. – Mike Chaddock

My Book

Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups, is a self-help book. The book describes a specific model for creating and facilitating men’s groups, which are meant to provide a safe and supportive space for men to explore their emotions, connect with other men, and work on personal and collective growth.

The author, Clay Boykin, draws from his own experiences as a facilitator of men’s groups and shares his insights into the unique challenges and opportunities that men’s groups can offer. The book emphasizes the importance of creating an atmosphere of safety and trust, where men can be vulnerable and honest with each other, and it offers practical advice on how to do so. The book also covers a series of exercises and activities that can be used to facilitate the group’s sessions. They are meant to help men to explore their emotions and inner selves, to find their authentic voice, and to create deeper connections with other men.

The book’s counter-intuitive approach, as stated in the title, is the idea that men’s groups are not only beneficial for men, but that they are also essential for the well-being of society as a whole. The author argues that men’s groups can play a crucial role in addressing issues such as toxic masculinity, men’s mental health, and the breakdown of communities, by providing men with the tools and support they need to become more authentic, compassionate, and responsible individuals.