Ep 116: Julien Oomen on his soon to be released new album

Ep 116: Julien Oomen on his soon to be released new album

Julien Oomen is a Dutch/French, Amsterdam-based musician who draws inspiration from spiritual ceremonies and personal stories with their trapdoor to the universal. Julien is currently working on a long cherished project: For the first time he will be releasing an album with songs in the French language only. The album is a collaboration with his mother Marinette Oomen-Myin, who wrote the lyrics. Most of the songs have a double perspective throughout time, as Julien asked his mother to write new extra parts to poems she wrote when she was 20-22 years old. The album thus encompasses a time span of more than half a century.

To be released in spring 2023.


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Mandalas take on countless sizes, shapes and forms and are a tool for gaining perspective, expanding thought and relaxing the mind. This excerpt from The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell provides an excellent description of how a mandala works.

Excerpt from the Power of Myth:

CAMPBELL: “Mandala” is the Sanskrit word for “circle,” but a circle that is coordinated or symbolically designed so that it has the meaning of a cosmic order. When composing mandalas, you are trying to coordinate your personal circle with the universal circle. In a very elaborate Buddhist mandala, for example, you have the deity in the center as the power source, the illumination source. The peripheral images would be manifestations or aspects of the deity’s radiance.
In working out a mandala for yourself, you draw a circle and then think of the different impulse systems and value systems in your life. Then you compose them and try to find out where your center is. Making a mandala is a discipline for pulling all those scattered aspects of your life together, for finding a center and ordering yourself to it. You try to coordinate your circle with the universal circle.
MOYERS: To be at the center?
CAMPBELL: At the center, yes….


My personal mandala has been evolving over the past few years. It is the place I can go at any time to pause and reflect, to pray, to meditate, or just sit in quiet contemplation in an empty space between the lines for a while. – Clay Boykin

Mandala 083115a

Mandala – Clay Boykin 2015

Available on Etsy: 11×17 cardstock, suitable for framing



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Between Darkness and Joy

“Somewhere between the dark night and joy lies a place of simple peaceful loving kindness. A place where I rest and lean safely against myself for awhile; a place where I can be in the silence and hold a sacred space for myself; a place where I know and embrace the full spectrum of vulnerability without judging myself; a place where courage and compassion are not actions, but simply states of being; where self-forgiveness gives way to hope and self love.. an awakening. Here, I lift myself up and know again for the first time what is in my heart… my intentions… and my passions… And from this place I embrace my powers and manifest all that is mine to hold and all that is mine to share…” – c.Boykin





Clay Boykin - Mandala

Clay Boykin – Mandala

Related links:

Holding Sacred Space
A Leap of Faith
Faith, Hope and Love
Twelve Powers




Summer Solstice Celebration – June 22nd

Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, has represented a sacred time of celebration across the ages, and in honor of the solstice this year there will be a wisdom circle out in the Hill Country on Saturday, June 22nd*.

Many of you have heard me speak of my sacred space outside of Wimberley, Texasand I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to gather in the circle with me and with many of our sisters; many of whom, are from the Hilde Girls.

A small ceremonial fire will burn from dawn to dusk in the forest by the creek where there will be casual heart-centered conversation, prayer and meditation as you are moved to come in and out of the circle.

There will be many relaxed and spontaneous activities, as well as activities which will be intentional and honoring.
A few miles outside of beautiful art community of, Wimberley, you and your family can enjoy these 13 acres of Hill Country beauty known as Avalon, with its scenic views, wooded creeks near the Blanco River, and sacred spaces. Enjoying hiking, playing, picnicking, and spacious relaxing time in community with others who love Mother Earth and the seasonal cycles.
The wisdom circle (where we gather) with the 13 stones, honors the elements of Earth and water, and the energies of the Divine Feminine. The new circle will honor the fire and air elements, and the energies of the Divine Masculine. This circle will have a small fire pit for ceremonial use, and on the 22nd it will be acknowledged with a dawn to dusk fire.
Come for all or part of the day and evening.
At 1:30pm, a Wisdom Circle gathering will occur in the forest by the creek and ceremonial fire. We will share stories of historical and ancestral summer solstice wisdom, along with contemplative sharing and a guided visualization meditation.
At 7:30PM, a drumming circle will begin and continue until the sun sets. Bring your drums, rattles, and musical instruments to celebrate!
What to bring: All your food and drink, plenty of water, a camp chair, and sturdy shoes for the uneven terrain. You may also want a hat, sunscreen, water bottle, daypack, journal, and drums/rattles.
Love offerings will be accepted that day to defray costs of the event.
Please RSVP to [email protected] if you have any questions, to confirm your intent join us and to get specific driving directions.
For a list of other events, retreats and workshops I invite you to visit my website: clayboykin.com
* Note: While the Solstice is actually on June 21st, we decided Saturday, June 22nd, would be a better day for us all to gather.
Faith, Hope and Love

Faith, Hope and Love


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Corinthians 13:13

Nate Phelps, in his TED Talk titled “Faith, Hope and Love”, explains that hope seems to be a rather benign condition, because it doesn’t actually promote action as it waits with bated breath for an outcome once action is taken. He goes on to explain that faith is belief not sustained by logical proof or material evidence. – Then he challenges faith, and the broad acceptance of the idea that faith is all good, by sighting events of 9/11 and the faith held by the 19 terrorists… But, this is not the end of his message. – a powerful message on love.



A powerful video short: Love is the Most Powerful Force in the Universe

Related Links:
Marianne Williamson – A Return To Love
Men’s Fellowship Network – On Love