Touching hearts; freeing souls and transforming lives – its what Aliza does. Rev. Aliza Bloom Robinson, transformational catalyst, author, speaker and ordained Unity Minister is the Voice for New Humanity Now. She is committed to ushering in a new consciousness of Universal All-ness. She facilitates spiritual awakening through all of her programs, courses, retreats and books. [email protected]
A brand-new, cutting edge program for transformation in your capacity to receive abundance. All Virtual – from the comfort of your home!
In this 8-week tithing experiment in abundant living, you will learn:
• The art and science of true transformation
• Techniques to dissolving the blocks that are sabotaging your life
• How giving of your time, talent and treasure unleashes the flow of your highest good and abundance
There is no greater time than right now to have a break-through! You are deserving of abundance in all areas of your life simply because you are breathing and you will learn how to take your vision and bring it into the results you see in your life!
Rick Kraniak is internationally recognized as an investor with great instincts for commercially innovative and viable businesses, and for a long track record of growing successful companies. His entrepreneurial background includes launching a number of businesses in the media and entertainment, health, software, Internet, and technology verticals. In particular, his entertainment industry experience has informed a unique approach to strategy and creating value with diverse enterprises ranging from startup ventures and mature public companies to supporting social cause related organizations and charitable non-profits.
He began his professional career in 1970 while he was studying sociology at Eastern Michigan University, when he founded Diversified Management Agency. For the next several years, he booked personal appearances for legendary music artists such as Bob Seger, Chuck Berry, Ike and Tina Turner, Iggy Stooge, MC5, Alice Cooper, and Ted Nugent. Following his success there, he founded Brass Ring Productions and produced over six thousand performances including concerts by The Rolling Stones, Madonna, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Frank Sinatra, and many other artists. Starting in 1987, Brass Ring exclusively programmed the historic Fox Theatre in Detroit and produced tours with over 3,000 performances featuring Billy Joel, Anita Baker, Luther Vandross, The Police, John Mellencamp, and Broadway Shows such as “South Pacific”, “Fiddler On The Roof”, “David Copperfield”, and “Music of Andrew Lloyd Weber”. Kraniak was voted one of America’s top 10 promoters by Pollstar magazine.
Currently, he is an owner and CSO of Buz.FM, a leader in digital technology which is leveraging its unique enterprise software solutions for social search optimization and marketing to retail, consumer, and media brands. Kraniak’s personal fund maintains positions in 17 private and public companies representing his special interests in disruptive technologies healthcare, software, and entertainment ventures.
In addition, he is dedicated to corporate social responsibility and has devoted time, energy, and funding to charitable organizations on five continents including Opportunities International, a microfinance institution. Mr. Kraniak is also a seasoned world adventure traveller whose trips have spanned 90 countries on all seven continents.
Clay Boykin is In Search of the New Compassionate Male. Since the fall of 2018, Clay has been on a quest to connect with men all over the world in the belief that a New Compassionate Male is emerging as the new archetype; and this quest has taken him across the U.S., Canada and into Africa.
Clay founded the Men’s Fellowship Network in 2012 which has grown into a global constellation of men and women. Clay’s podcast, In Search of the New Compassionate Male, has recently been ranked #4 out of over 300 podcasts related to men and men’s health.
Clay has over forty-years’ experience as a change agent transforming cultures within organizations. He is a former officer in the United States Marine Corps and, throughout his career, has been described as a servant leader.
In 2007, at age 53, a mystical experience and heart attack led Clay to leave the business world and begin pursuing his spiritual path towards inner healing.
Clay is the author of the book, Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups, published in August 2018. In addition to founding the Circles of Men Project, Clay is developing the global Men & Boys Initiative for Charter for Compassion. As well, Clay is working with International Peace Initiatives-Kenya and United Religions Initiative (URI) to bring his counter-intuitive approach to men’s circle-work to Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda and elsewhere along the Nile River Basin.
He is also in close collaboration with Gender Equity & Reconciliation International in the area of deep healing between women and men which addresses many of the issues raised as a result of the #MeToo Movement.
Clay is an international speaker and conducts workshops on the topic of The New Compassionate Male, which is the subject of his next book. As well, he is a strategy consultant for organizations and mentors individuals applying a uniquely counterintuitive approach to finding clarity, direction and purpose.
The New Compassionate Male and the Myth of Liminality
By: Clay Boykin
During the 12th century the myth of the Holy Grail surfaced. Since then, countless stories and legends have been written about it including, stories about King Arthur and his knights and, in more recent times, Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Holy Grail is said to be an artifact from the Bible and to have supernatural powers to heal, and to grant immortality to anyone who drinks water from it.
In the Grail Myth, the Fisher King has a grave wound that will not heal. As a result, his kingdom is also very ill. The people are sick. Crops will not grow. Cows will not give milk. And commerce is at a standstill. The only thing that will cure the king is for a happy fool, Parsifal, which means happy fool, to come and ask him the right question.
Parsifal comes to the castle and visits the king. By his bedside he asks the king, “What ails you?” The king replies that his throat is dry and that he is thirsty. Parsifal takes a cup of water from the table and hands it to the king. As the king drinks his body begins to heal, and the cup turns to gold and becomes the Holy Grail.
Parsifal’s act of asking and giving is an act of compassion, and from this I believe compassion “is” the Holy Grail.
In his book, Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas points to three great myths that are playing out today. These are, (1) the myth of Human Progress, (2) the myth of the Fall, and (3) the myth of No Pattern.
The myth of Human Progress represents man’s desire for more but does not know to what end; and is rooted in patriarchy. The myth of the Fall is represented by the thought that humanity is losing its intelligence and wisdom, and as a result, is destroying mankind and the planet. The myth of No Pattern, suggests that everything is totally random and man has no say in the matter.
I submit that there is a fourth myth. It is the Myth of Liminality. Liminality is a state of transition between one stage and the next, especially between major stages in one’s life or during a rite of passage. More and more people talk about the world being on the verge of a great transition; that the planets are aligned, and say that we are in the liminal space. – At times I have referred to it as, the pause of change.
Like the knights searching for the Holy Grail, I am In Search of the New Compassionate Male. The New Compassionate Male has integrated head and heart, and carries the metaphoric-sword in one hand, and Compassion in the other.
Compassion is the Holy Grail and in it is the water of life. The water that cured the Fisher King. It is the water that will cure us of all the pain we now suffer, the ache and void within, the burn of shame and anger; the fear, greed and hate that is destroying humanity and the planet.
We are living out the Liminality Myth and now is the time for the New Compassionate Male to take his place into the liminal space and do his part to heal the world.
Mandalas take on countless sizes, shapes and forms and are a tool for gaining perspective, expanding thought and relaxing the mind.
Excerpt from the Power of Myth:
CAMPBELL: “Mandala” is the Sanskrit word for “circle,” but a circle that is coordinated or symbolically designed so that it has the meaning of a cosmic order. When composing mandalas, you are trying to coordinate your personal circle with the universal circle. In a very elaborate Buddhist mandala, for example, you have the deity in the center as the power source, the illumination source. The peripheral images would be manifestations or aspects of the deity’s radiance.
In working out a mandala for yourself, you draw a circle and then think of the different impulse systems and value systems in your life. Then you compose them and try to find out where your center is. Making a mandala is a discipline for pulling all those scattered aspects of your life together, for finding a center and ordering yourself to it. You try to coordinate your circle with the universal circle.
MOYERS: To be at the center?
CAMPBELL: At the center, yes….
My personal mandala has been evolving over the past few years. It is the place I can go at any time to pause and reflect, to pray, to meditate, or just sit in quiet contemplation in an empty space between the lines for a while. – Clay Boykin
Jeff Bullion is a modern day Trailblazer who has set the intention to change how we view fitness and ourselves. Jeff combines his Spiritual life coaching and personal training certifications with neuroscience backed tools to help others reach their ultimate goals. As a spiritual fitness coach, Jeff helps others find self-acceptance through personal insights & intentional behavior.
In addition to Spiritual Fitness Coaching, Jeff operates the website, which serves as a platform for blogging and providing educational materials. Jeff’s blog reflects his personal experiences and the accumulation of his lifelong learning. The blogs range in subject from “understanding why he gets disappointed” to “how he learned to make the right choice every time”. Common threads in all of his blogs are awareness, consciousness and self-empowerment. These elements along with “authenticity” are the cornerstone of his coaching practice.
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