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Between Darkness and Joy

Between Darkness and Joy

“Somewhere between the dark night and joy lies a place of simple peaceful loving kindness. A place where I rest and lean safely against myself for awhile; a place where I can be in the silence and hold a sacred space for myself; a place where I know and embrace the full spectrum of vulnerability without judging myself; a place where courage and compassion are not actions, but simply states of being; where self-forgiveness gives way to hope and self love.. an awakening. Here, I lift myself up and know again for the first time what is in my heart… my intentions… and my passions… And from this place I embrace my powers and manifest all that is mine to hold and all that is mine to share…” – c.Boykin





Clay Boykin - Mandala

Clay Boykin – Mandala

Related links:

Holding Sacred Space
A Leap of Faith
Faith, Hope and Love
Twelve Powers




EP36: Gard Jameson

EP36: Gard Jameson

Gard Jameson received his PhD from Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2005 and his BA from Stanford University in Religious Studies.  He teaches Asian Philosophy at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He is the author of five books, Footprints on the Sands of Time, Phaethon, Monkey, and Ramayana, Our Mythic Moment, the last three books reflecting upon three grand epics from the West, China and India.  He and his wife cofounded Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada, vmsn.org, a charitable clinic that provides free medical, dental, and mental healthcare to those without access. He serves as the Vice Chair of The Charter for Compassion, Co-Founder of the Children’s Advocacy Alliance, caanv.org, Co-Founder of the Southern Nevada Interfaith Council, interfaithsn.org, and Compassionate Las Vegas, compassionatelv.org.  He also serves as the outreach coordinator of Contemplative Outreach, founded by Thomas Keating, in Southern Nevada.  His latest book is titled The Peace Pilgrim Pictures, using the images of the magnificent artwork of Nicholas Roerich, to illustrate the spiritual journey.


About Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin. I am convinced that amidst all the turmoil in the world a New Compassionate Male is emerging, and this New Compassionate Male is emerging as the New Archetype. ~ I am on a journey to every corner of the planet. I am on a journey within; a journey of self discovery to learn what it means to be a compassionate male. ~ I do not have the answer, but I know there is a spark of compassion emerging within every man and within every woman. Regardless of sexual orientation, nationality or religious tradition I invite you to join me. Let’s travel together and find answers to questions like: Who is this man? What makes him compassionate? Is he born this way, or how is compassion learned? Is there a place or time where compassion is not relevant? How many ways does the compassionate male show up in the world Together, we can find him. Together, we can hold a mirror up for one another and find the compassion within ourselves. ~ The more adversity there is in the world, the hotter the ember of compassion burns within. It may be smoldering and unrecognizable at the moment, or burning brightly lighting and warming others. ~ Who is the New Compassionate Male? Join me in our search.

Creator – Clay Boykin – clayboykin.com
Producer – Dennis Tardan – DennisTardan.com

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male
Twitter: @ccboykin
Write me at: [email protected]

Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon



On the Search w/guest Chuck Robison

On the Search w/guest Chuck Robison

Kundalini Research FoundationKundalini – In 2019 Chuck Robison was chosen to lead the Kundalini Research Foundation. Now Located in the Austin, Texas area, he will guide the Foundation’s work into the 21st century. Kundalini’s time has now come and one of our major goals is to create cooperative alignments with other like-minded organizations to increase the impact of comprehensive knowledge about Kundalini as the Trigger of Evolution. Chuck Robison has enjoyed several diverse careers. Starting out with his Master’s Degree from Princeton Theological Seminary, he served Presby- terian Churches in West Virginia, Philadelphia, New York and Telluride, Colorado. From 1990 to 2000, Chuck was the Protestant Chaplain at the United Nations in NYC. He has a career track in Corporate America holding HR positions at Met Life, New York Life, Lee Hecht Harrison and others. He served on the Faculty of the New York City Police Acad- emy teaching upper level officers how to create personal and team visions. Chuck is a well-known portrait photographer specializing in Executive and Celebrity Portraits. It was in this capacity that he met and photographed Pandit Gopi Krishna in New York in 1983. Chuck began his work with the Kundalini Research Foundation in 1980 as a volunteer. His two books were published more than 30 years apart. Chuck and his wife Karen wrote the second book, The Quantum Conspiracy, in 2008 and it covers the global awakening taking place now. His first book, Look Deeply, was a series of photographs and prayers. Chuck and Karen are delighted to meet their brothers and sisters in Canada.


ICR Conference Registration 

About Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin. I am convinced that amidst all the turmoil in the world a New Compassionate Male is emerging, and this New Compassionate Male is emerging as the New Archetype. ~ I am on a journey to every corner of the planet. I am on a journey within; a journey of self discovery to learn what it means to be a compassionate male. ~ I do not have the answer, but I know there is a spark of compassion emerging within every man and within every woman. Regardless of sexual orientation, nationality or religious tradition I invite you to join me. Let’s travel together and find answers to questions like: Who is this man? What makes him compassionate? Is he born this way, or how is compassion learned? Is there a place or time where compassion is not relevant? How many ways does the compassionate male show up in the world Together, we can find him. Together, we can hold a mirror up for one another and find the compassion within ourselves. ~ The more adversity there is in the world, the hotter the ember of compassion burns within. It may be smoldering and unrecognizable at the moment, or burning brightly lighting and warming others. ~ Who is the New Compassionate Male? Join me in our search.

Creator – Clay Boykin – clayboykin.com
Producer – Dennis Tardan – DennisTardan.com

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male
Twitter: @ccboykin
Write me at: [email protected]

Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon

On the Search w/guest Gudjon Bergmann

On the Search w/guest Gudjon Bergmann

Gudjon (pronounced the opposite of Bad-John) Bergmann is an author, interfaith minister, father, musician, and bridge-builder. His most recent book is titled Spiritual in My Own Way: One Man’s Gritty Search for Meaning and Peace of Mind. For more information about his books, music, ministerial services, and more, visit www.gudjonbergmann.com.


About Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin. I am convinced that amidst all the turmoil in the world a New Compassionate Male is emerging, and this New Compassionate Male is emerging as the New Archetype. ~ I am on a journey to every corner of the planet. I am on a journey within; a journey of self discovery to learn what it means to be a compassionate male. ~ I do not have the answer, but I know there is a spark of compassion emerging within every man and within every woman. Regardless of sexual orientation, nationality or religious tradition I invite you to join me. Let’s travel together and find answers to questions like: Who is this man? What makes him compassionate? Is he born this way, or how is compassion learned? Is there a place or time where compassion is not relevant? How many ways does the compassionate male show up in the world Together, we can find him. Together, we can hold a mirror up for one another and find the compassion within ourselves. ~ The more adversity there is in the world, the hotter the ember of compassion burns within. It may be smoldering and unrecognizable at the moment, or burning brightly lighting and warming others. ~ Who is the New Compassionate Male? Join me in our search.

Creator – Clay Boykin – clayboykin.com
Producer – Dennis Tardan – DennisTardan.com

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male
Twitter: @ccboykin
Write me at: [email protected]

Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon

On the Search w/guest Martin Dowman

On the Search w/guest Martin Dowman

Martin Dowman has taught me a great deal about men and compassion; by the way he shows up in the world and models the way for others. Martin knows the value of cultivating deep and meaningful relationships with men, how to stand in one’s truth with an open heart, and how to hold space for another man going through their dark night of the soul.

Martin is Co-Director of the Unity Light Center outside of Baldwin City, Ka., and has been instrumental in programs in South Africa supporting disadvantaged youth.

The Light Center is a beacon lighting the way into a vibrant future. Harmonizing with the earth, inspiring personal, local and global connection, providing safe space for spiritual growth and healing, and empowering youth. The Light Center is a retreat center, and an organic sustainable farm, providing natural sacred spaces for hiking and camping, celebrations and ceremonies. Here, it is a safe space for creating new paths into the future with open hearts.


Creator – Clay Boykin

Producer – Dennis Tardan

In Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin is a self funded effort. To become a patron or to make a one-time donations visit: clayboykin.com and click on Patreon.

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male

Twitter: @ccboykin

Write me at: [email protected] For Individual Mentoring & Coaching visit Clay at Let’s Talk on clayboykin.com.

Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon




On the Search w/guest Geoffrey Manasseh

On the Search w/guest Geoffrey Manasseh


Geoffrey Manasseh is a peace builder, interfaith youth educator and education activist. Geoffrey is responsible for and deeply committed to mentoring and guiding youth to achieve their goals. He coordinates cultural preservation trainings, leadership and interfaith dialogue, peace-making seminars and holds capacity building trainings for youth as students on personal development and youth empowerment. Geoffrey is committed to making a different in his community in Malawi Malawi. Geoffrey completed his academic at Mkope Secondary School and further graduated with advanced diploma in construction engineering. He further went for two years training of psycho-social and interreligious/intercultural management.

Currently, Geoffrey is a country coordinator of United Religions Initiative (URI) and a senior advisor of Wildlife and Natural Resources Conservation and Rehabilitation Trust (WNRCRT), and Eastern region Psych socialist and education activist. Geoffrey is the founder and director of Nkhudzi Bay Utale organization (NBUC).

Creator – Clay Boykin

Producer – Dennis Tardan

In Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin is a self funded effort. To become a patron or to make a one-time donations visit: clayboykin.com and click on Patreon.

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male

Twitter: @ccboykin

Write me at: [email protected] For Individual Mentoring & Coaching visit Clay at Let’s Talk on clayboykin.com.

Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon

Become a Patron

Become a Patron

The Men’s Fellowship Network and In Search of the New Compassionate Male are self-funded efforts. Your support will help sustain such things as: websites with a growing library of over 400 pages/topics, ZOOM accountweekly gatheringsweekly mailings, social marketing and the production of 2-3 Podcast episodes each week with guests from all over the world.

To become a patron with ongoing support, or to make a one-time donation, please visit PayPal Link: Clay Boykin 


On the Search w/guest Orlando Johnson

On the Search w/guest Orlando Johnson

Orlando Johnson came to the realization that sometimes just a conversation can go a long way to helping someone heal. With this thought he decided to launch a podcast called – “The O-Johnson Podcast”. On his podcast he discusses masculinity, relationships, marriage, business and spirituality. It is his way of giving back to the generation before and after him, and a way for people in the world who may be looking for a connection to someone that’s just willing to listen.

Orlando is a husband to a beautiful queen and a father of two beautiful kids. For a living he is a software Implementation specialist. He travels all over the country to train doctors, clinicians and therapist on the use of medical EMR software. Orlando has been afforded the opportunity to meet and speak with some great men and women about life. Since he works close to the medical field he sees many sad things, mostly with people who struggle with emotionally stability.


About Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin. I am convinced that amidst all the turmoil in the world a New Compassionate Male is emerging, and this New Compassionate Male is emerging as the New Archetype. ~ I am on a journey to every corner of the planet. I am on a journey within; a journey of self discovery to learn what it means to be a compassionate male. ~ I do not have the answer, but I know there is a spark of compassion emerging within every man and within every woman. Regardless of sexual orientation, nationality or religious tradition I invite you to join me. Let’s travel together and find answers to questions like: Who is this man? What makes him compassionate? Is he born this way, or how is compassion learned? Is there a place or time where compassion is not relevant? How many ways does the compassionate male show up in the world Together, we can find him. Together, we can hold a mirror up for one another and find the compassion within ourselves. ~ The more adversity there is in the world, the hotter the ember of compassion burns within. It may be smoldering and unrecognizable at the moment, or burning brightly lighting and warming others. ~ Who is the New Compassionate Male? Join me in our search.

Creator – Clay Boykin – clayboykin.com
Producer – Dennis Tardan – DennisTardan.com

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male
Twitter: @ccboykin Write me at: [email protected]

Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon

On the Search w/guest Jeremy Solomons

On the Search w/guest Jeremy Solomons

Jeremy Solomons is an independent global leadership consultant and writer, who was born in the UK, who was naturalized in the USA and who is now based in Kigali, Rwanda.

In the areas of Gender, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, he is a passionate ally, advocate and activist for universal human rights, dignity, respect, inclusion and equity for all people of all genders.

On a personal level, Jeremy wants fair and just treatment for his beloved daughter, who has recently entered the world of work. On a professional level, he truly believes that an equitable workplace is the most creative and productive one for everyone. And as a highly educated, highly privileged and highly empowered man, he has the platform and access to work with other male leaders help bring about meaningful and sustainable systemic change.

Jeremy’s model for this is the high level of women’s education and empowerment that has actually happened here in his new home of Rwanda in the 26 years since the Genocide against the Tutsis. Women now represent two thirds of Rwanda’s parliament – the highest in the world. He coaches and mentors at the Akilah Institute for Women in Kigali and actively supports HERO, Rwanda’s independent new Health and Equal Rights Organisation.

In the past, Jeremy co-designed and –led many training workshops and dialogues on these topics, especially at Royal Dutch Shell in the Netherlands, UK and USA. He also co-facilitated special sessions on “Women and Power” for Leadership Texas; “Gender Dynamics” for Communities in Schools; “Cultural Competence” for young women leaders at GEN Austin; “Gays, God and the Workplace” for the American Cancer Society; and “LGBT and Allies” for the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) USA.

Jeremy was a co-founder and member of the Austin Men’s Group for seven years.

Here is a blog he wrote about these issues in 2018: http://jeremysolomons.com/the-global-contrarian-blog-10/


About Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin. I am convinced that amidst all the turmoil in the world a New Compassionate Male is emerging, and this New Compassionate Male is emerging as the New Archetype. ~ I am on a journey to every corner of the planet. I am on a journey within; a journey of self discovery to learn what it means to be a compassionate male. ~ I do not have the answer, but I know there is a spark of compassion emerging within every man and within every woman. Regardless of sexual orientation, nationality or religious tradition I invite you to join me. Let’s travel together and find answers to questions like: Who is this man? What makes him compassionate? Is he born this way, or how is compassion learned? Is there a place or time where compassion is not relevant? How many ways does the compassionate male show up in the world Together, we can find him. Together, we can hold a mirror up for one another and find the compassion within ourselves. ~ The more adversity there is in the world, the hotter the ember of compassion burns within. It may be smoldering and unrecognizable at the moment, or burning brightly lighting and warming others. ~ Who is the New Compassionate Male? Join me in our search.

Creator – Clay Boykin – clayboykin.com
Producer – Dennis Tardan – DennisTardan.com

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male
Twitter: @ccboykin Write me at: [email protected]

Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon

On the Search w/guest Clay Smeltzer

On the Search w/guest Clay Smeltzer

Clay is the founder of Purpose Infused Coaching.  His mission is the Evolution of Men and to help the Rebuild Masculinity with Heart and Purpose.  He is also an educator, speaker, author, pod caster, and has coached men from various parts of the world.

After an injury took Clay out of chasing his dream of playing in the MLB he found himself lost for many years.  From getting sick for a year to being divorced twice, custody arrangements, financial struggles, married a third time with a blended family, and two deep anxiety spirals he has battled his inner self all along the way.  This battle is why he fights to help men to rebuild masculinity with heart and purpose.  Men who are fierce yet compassionate servants, so that they can be the bad ass man they always wanted to be.


About this podcast: I am in Search of the New Compassionate Male. I am convinced that amidst all the turmoil in the world a New Compassionate Male is emerging, and this New Compassionate Male is emerging as the New Archetype. ~ I am on a journey to every corner of the planet. I am on a journey within; a journey of self discovery to learn what it means to be a compassionate male. ~ I do not have the answer, but I know there is a spark of compassion emerging within every man and within every woman. Regardless of sexual orientation, nationality or religious tradition I invite you to join me. Let’s travel together and find answers to questions like: Who is this man? What makes him compassionate? Is he born this way, or how is compassion learned? Is there a place or time where compassion is not relevant? How many ways does the compassionate male show up in the world Together, we can find him. Together, we can hold a mirror up for one another and find the compassion within ourselves. ~ The more adversity there is in the world, the hotter the ember of compassion burns within. It may be smoldering and unrecognizable at the moment, or burning brightly lighting and warming others. ~ Who is the New Compassionate Male? Join me in our search.

Creator – Clay Boykin
Producer – Dennis Tardan

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male
Twitter: @ccboykin
Write me at: [email protected]

Free On Amazon: Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon