What mark do I intend to leave behind?
Who am I? Why am I here? Does it matter? And if it matters, what is the mark I intend to leave behind?
Over 2,000 cave paintings dating back some 30,000 years cover the walls of Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc Cave in Southern France. Today, we study and wonder about their origin and what message they were intended to communicate. At the same time, they may leave us to wonder about our own origin and what it is we intend to communicate across our lifetime, and what mark it is we intend to leave behind; our legacy. –
“Legacies transcend the boundaries of time and have no limits. They stand tall in the face of trial. They prevail. They’re found in risk that cling to the promise of hope and extend beyond the limited hours of your life, and mine… They leave trails filled with reflective ideals, and are roads left for those who will follow.” – Paraphrased from the video short, Leave Your Legacy.
Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc Cave (video)