Ellen NEWHOUSE is a woman who knows how to laugh at life and herself, even, no especially, in difficult times. She marries heart-centered spirituality with her fierce warrior self in facing her own everyday challenges as well asteaching her patients and students how to do the same for themselves. She has earned this privilege through growing up in a family that was more war zone than idyllic home. As she states in her best selling memoir, Nothing Ever Goes On Here, “We were always on alert for the next bomb to explode.”

For the past 30 years, Ellen has been in private practice integrating Intuitive Coaching with Acupuncture, Sound Healing and Energy Medicine. She has also taught transformational workshops throughout the US and Mexico.

For the past year, Ellen has been performing the one-woman play, Nothing Ever Goes On Here in SEattle, and LA and was invited to open in NYC on 6/16th and Covid inconveniently circumvented that opening. However, Ellen has taken this as an opportunity to work on writing the next two books, 1 a self-helpish book and the other a continuation of the first memoir as well as writing new songs for her upcoming transformational entertainment evening, Yes, You can! Say yes to yourself, yes to work and a life you LOVE coming to the world wide web soon!



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