Patricia Fero was born for these times. She is a passionate woman who has dedicated her life to igniting the collective feminine in planetary awakening. Her capacity for clearing her own internalized patriarchy and fierce listening are the magic she brings to every setting.

The author of four books, Patricia has shared her wisdom through writing. Her first, Mining for Diamonds shows how people can use adversity to create resiliency. What happens When Women Wake Up? is a roadmap for clearing internalized patriarchy.

Her third book, Sacred Marching Orders, describes the new energy of the solar feminine. Marianne Williamson’s endorsement reads: “Women owning our power and using it collaboratively is what our planet desperately needs. Sacred Marching Orders is a call to women to channel our passion into the healing of the world.”

Patricia has grown an active psychotherapy practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan over the past 30 years. She is assisted by her black cocker spaniel, Dexter. Patricia is certified in a cutting edge advanced grief treatment, Induced After Death Communication (IADC) facilitator. Her fourth book, titled The Other Side of the Door, is a guidebook for connecting with loved ones who have crossed over. Patricia earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Social Work from Eastern Michigan University, and a Master’s in Social Work from University of Michigan. All of Patricia’s books may be found on Amazon: Patricia Fero Books

She has led workshops and retreats for over 20 years based on her books, as well as other topics empowering women. She is available for speaking engagements, personal coaching, and advanced grief work.



Join Patricia on October 3rd, 9:00am-PST for: Death Throes of Patriarchy: Demystifying the Effect of Patriarchy on Women and Men







All of Patricia’s books may be found on Amazon: Patricia’s Books