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The Leadership Challenge

The Leadership Challenge

LeadershipLeadership is not about personality; it’s about behavior—an observable set of skills and abilities. The “Leadership Challenge” by Jim Kouze and Bary Posner has been a favorite of mine throughout my 39 year career spanning the USMC, Corporate hi-tech, start-ups and small established businesses.

The Leadership Challenge addresses 5 leadership practices:

1) Modeling the way,
2) Inspire a shared vision,
3) Challenge the process,
4) Enable others to act,
5) Encourage the heart.

Whether in uniform, suit or jeans these practices stand the test of time, and yes, a spiritual male can be on top at work.

Article: The Leadership Challenge – Jim Kouzes

Leadership Challenge 1Leadership Challenge 2Leadership Challenge 3

Related Links:

Emotional Intelligence

The Golden Rule

The Four Agreements



I Invite you to “Like” us and “follow us” on Facebook, and join the conversation in our Facebook Group.

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The Leadership Challenge

Jack Kornfield – Podcasts

Jack Kornfield1The Jack Kornfield Heart Wisdom hour celebrates Jack’s ability to mash up his long established Buddhist practices with many other mystical traditions, revealing the poignancy of life’s predicaments and the path to finding freedom from self-interest, self-judgment and unhappiness. – Podcast Series

Jack Kornfield is one of the leading Buddhist teachers in America. A practitioner for over 40 years, he is one of the key teachers to introduce mindfulness and vipassana meditation to the West. His approach emphasizes compassion, lovingkindness and the profound path of mindful presence.

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The Leadership Challenge

Deep Listening – Thich Nhat Hanh

Deep listening occurs when your mind is quiet. Your thoughts are flowing rather than crowding your mind with distractions, interpretations, judgments, conclusions or assumptions about the other person. Your mind is open, curious, interested — as though you were hearing this person for the first time. Deep listening applies not only to communication with another, but also to listening to ourselves and to life in general. The goal of deep listening is to hear beyond the words of the other person and yourself, to the essence of what the words and feelings are pointing to. Your mind and heart are joined in union — you are listening wholeheartedly.

Deep listening is synonymous with Compassionate listening as explained by Thich Nhat Hanh in this short SuperSoul Sunday video clip:

To go a step further, deep listening is normally thought of in the context of listening to another person. Another aspect of deep listening to ones-self. Thich Nhat Hanh speaks to this in terms of mindful listening. It can only happen in the present moment which is the only moment where one can truly live. He says that we have an appointment with life and that appointment with life takes place in the present moment.

By request, these are my notes and the diagram I created.

© 2017 Clay Boykin

Deep Listening

Different Levels of Listening

Deep listening is often thought of as holding sacred space.


Three Lessons of Revolutionary Love – Valarie Kaur

Three Lessons of Revolutionary Love – Valarie Kaur

Valarie KaurActivist, lawyer, filmmaker
Valarie Kaur is a social justice activist, lawyer, filmmaker, innovator, mother and Sikh American thought leader who founded the Revolutionary Love Project — a movement that envisions a world where love is a public ethic.

Why you should listen

Valarie Kaur is a civil rights activist, award-winning filmmaker, lawyer, faith leader and founder of the Revolutionary Love Project. Her social justice campaigns have helped win policy change on hate crimes, racial profiling, immigration detention, solitary confinement, marriage equality and internet freedom. She founded Groundswell Movement, the Yale Visual Law Project and Faithful Internet, initiatives that equip new generations with tools for social change. During her work inside supermax prisons, on the military base at Guantanamo and at sites of mass shootings, she identified a surprising key element for social change: the ethic of love. She now leads the Revolutionary Love Project to champion love as a public ethic and wellspring for social change.

Kaur earned degrees at Stanford University, Harvard Divinity School and Yale Law School. She lives with her film partner and husband Sharat Raju and son Kavi in California, where her family settled as farmers a century ago. She is a member of the California Bar.

Summer Solstice Celebration – June 22nd

Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, has represented a sacred time of celebration across the ages, and in honor of the solstice this year there will be a wisdom circle out in the Hill Country on Saturday, June 22nd*.

Many of you have heard me speak of my sacred space outside of Wimberley, Texasand I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to gather in the circle with me and with many of our sisters; many of whom, are from the Hilde Girls.

A small ceremonial fire will burn from dawn to dusk in the forest by the creek where there will be casual heart-centered conversation, prayer and meditation as you are moved to come in and out of the circle.

There will be many relaxed and spontaneous activities, as well as activities which will be intentional and honoring.
A few miles outside of beautiful art community of, Wimberley, you and your family can enjoy these 13 acres of Hill Country beauty known as Avalon, with its scenic views, wooded creeks near the Blanco River, and sacred spaces. Enjoying hiking, playing, picnicking, and spacious relaxing time in community with others who love Mother Earth and the seasonal cycles.
The wisdom circle (where we gather) with the 13 stones, honors the elements of Earth and water, and the energies of the Divine Feminine. The new circle will honor the fire and air elements, and the energies of the Divine Masculine. This circle will have a small fire pit for ceremonial use, and on the 22nd it will be acknowledged with a dawn to dusk fire.
Come for all or part of the day and evening.
At 1:30pm, a Wisdom Circle gathering will occur in the forest by the creek and ceremonial fire. We will share stories of historical and ancestral summer solstice wisdom, along with contemplative sharing and a guided visualization meditation.
At 7:30PM, a drumming circle will begin and continue until the sun sets. Bring your drums, rattles, and musical instruments to celebrate!
What to bring: All your food and drink, plenty of water, a camp chair, and sturdy shoes for the uneven terrain. You may also want a hat, sunscreen, water bottle, daypack, journal, and drums/rattles.
Love offerings will be accepted that day to defray costs of the event.
Please RSVP to [email protected] if you have any questions, to confirm your intent join us and to get specific driving directions.
For a list of other events, retreats and workshops I invite you to visit my website: clayboykin.com
* Note: While the Solstice is actually on June 21st, we decided Saturday, June 22nd, would be a better day for us all to gather.
Ep46: Patricia Fero on Patriarchy and the Liminal Space

Ep46: Patricia Fero on Patriarchy and the Liminal Space

Patricia Fero was born for these times. She is a passionate woman who has dedicated her life to igniting the collective feminine in planetary awakening. Her capacity for clearing her own internalized patriarchy and fierce listening are the magic she brings to every setting.

The author of four books, Patricia has shared her wisdom through writing. Her first, Mining for Diamonds shows how people can use adversity to create resiliency. What happens When Women Wake Up? is a roadmap for clearing internalized patriarchy.

Her third book, Sacred Marching Orders, describes the new energy of the solar feminine. Marianne Williamson’s endorsement reads: “Women owning our power and using it collaboratively is what our planet desperately needs. Sacred Marching Orders is a call to women to channel our passion into the healing of the world.”

Patricia has grown an active psychotherapy practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan over the past 30 years. She is assisted by her black cocker spaniel, Dexter. Patricia is certified in a cutting edge advanced grief treatment, Induced After Death Communication (IADC) facilitator. Her fourth book, titled The Other Side of the Door, is a guidebook for connecting with loved ones who have crossed over. Patricia earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Social Work from Eastern Michigan University, and a Master’s in Social Work from University of Michigan. All of Patricia’s books may be found on Amazon: Patricia Fero Books

She has led workshops and retreats for over 20 years based on her books, as well as other topics empowering women. She is available for speaking engagements, personal coaching, and advanced grief work.



Join Patricia on October 3rd, 9:00am-PST for: Death Throes of Patriarchy: Demystifying the Effect of Patriarchy on Women and Men







All of Patricia’s books may be found on Amazon: Patricia’s Books


Ep39: Sande Hart – Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope

Ep39: Sande Hart – Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope

Sande Hart is the Founding Director of the Charter for Compassion Women and Girls sector, Founder and President of the women’s interfaith organization S.A.R.A.H., Past Chair of the United Religions Initiative for North America, and co-Founder of Alchemy Productions. She is a Mother, Daughter, Wife, Sister and Aunt, and new grandmother!

A certified Compassionate Integrity Trainer, Sande is passionate about leading people to a new understanding of who they are through the lens of compassion and compassionate action, and the role they contribute to the world around them. With a strong emphasis on personal awareness and self advocacy, Sande developed the 18th Sustainable Development goal with the intention and expectation that  we will wake up to our personal responsibilities to be stewards of our planet and those we share it with.

With a strong commitment to elevating women and girls by providing dialogue and circle experience, Sande’s workshops and productions provide opportunities for weaving relationships, and being in service to the divine feminine that is rising strong in our world right now.

Sande speaks and conduct workshops on a variety of topics relating to community building, women and girls, and kids activism through service.

​Paying attention to patterns in community and community building, it became clear that, with some thoughtful adjustments that seem to be easily missed, and some safeguards in how leadership teams work together, we could accelerate and leverage the highest vision and success of any given group. – Sande Hart


Upcoming Programs:

The Death Throes of the Patriarchy (Link):

The General Congress of Women (Link)

About Search of the New Compassionate Male with Clay Boykin. I am convinced that amidst all the turmoil in the world a New Compassionate Male is emerging, and this New Compassionate Male is emerging as the New Archetype. ~ I am on a journey to every corner of the planet. I am on a journey within; a journey of self discovery to learn what it means to be a compassionate male. ~ I do not have the answer, but I know there is a spark of compassion emerging within every man and within every woman. Regardless of sexual orientation, nationality or religious tradition I invite you to join me. Let’s travel together and find answers to questions like: Who is this man? What makes him compassionate? Is he born this way, or how is compassion learned? Is there a place or time where compassion is not relevant? How many ways does the compassionate male show up in the world Together, we can find him. Together, we can hold a mirror up for one another and find the compassion within ourselves. ~ The more adversity there is in the world, the hotter the ember of compassion burns within. It may be smoldering and unrecognizable at the moment, or burning brightly lighting and warming others. ~ Who is the New Compassionate Male? Join me in our search.

Creator – Clay Boykin – clayboykin.com
Producer – Dennis Tardan – DennisTardan.com

Follow me on Facebook: In Search of the New Compassionate Male
Twitter: @ccboykin
Write me at: [email protected]

Circles of Men: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Creating Men’s Groups – Compassionate men gather differently. – “With this book, Clay Boykin has created a spiritual blueprint for men around the world. Not only does this book provide a detailed guide for starting and maintaining a men’s group, but it also contains rich insight into the struggles and challenges of being a spiritual male in today’s western culture.” – Review on Amazon




Ep51: Howard Teich on the Solar Male/Lunar Male

Ep51: Howard Teich on the Solar Male/Lunar Male

Dr. Howard Teich has addressed groups such as C. G. Jung Institute and the International Conference on Shamanism on such topics as High Performance Leadership, Six Steps to Creative Collaboration, Quantum and Reflective Consciousness, Twin Leadership, Eros and Psyche, Gender Relationship and Consciousness.


Psychologist and teacher Dr. Teich founder of PACE PROFILE® applies his extensive background in psychology and his pioneering work in conscious empathy to create more effective outcomes in individual evolution, relationships with others and organizations. Combining his expertise in the fields of archetypal psychology, mythology and neurology, Dr. Teich’s notoriety as a scholar and lecturer is based on his theory of the tripartite integration of mythology, archetypal psychology (including dreams), and neurobiology and their effects on human consciousness. With this theory of integration, Dr. Teich has created a body of work that supports rapid understanding and changing human behavior.

Dr. Teich’s formative work began while he was teaching a course at the University of California at Berkeley titled Dreams: the Language of the Unconsciousness. His deep appreciation of and curiosity about the role dreams has had on shaping human outcomes has driven him to begin years of Jungian analysis with world-renown experts Joseph Henderson, John Beebe, and Joan Chodorow.

Dr. Howard Teich’s interest in the deep cultural ties mythology has within the unconscious realm led him to focus on the work of Joseph Campbell, the master of mythology studies now famous for his contributions to the Star Wars movies and his series of interviews with Bill Moyer. After Campbell’s death he has had the honor of contributing to Use of Comparative Mythology: Essays on the Work of Joseph Campbell (Garland Publishing, 1992).

Dr. Teich’s seminal work defining solar and lunar psychology is described at length in John Beebe’s 1992 book Integrity in Depth (Texas A&M University Press, 1992). Dr. Teich’s writings have appeared in publications such as Chrysalis, Parabola, San Francisco Jung Institute Journal, and Noetic Science Review; and been included in several anthologies, including Christine Dowings Mirror of the Soul. His latest works, Solar Light Lunar Light: Perspectives on Human Consciousness, is now available through Apple Books as well as Amazon.com. Dr. Teich was a consultant on Transforming Terror: Remembering the Soul of the World which was published in 2011 by University of California Press; and author of article Our Culture’s Divided Soul.

To measure the solar and lunar perspective of human behavior and how it can facilitate high performance Dr. Teich has developed the PACE PROFILE®. What makes the PACE Profile unique is that it highlights not only preferences and behavior but the underlying motivations that lead to behavior based on our engagement with ourselves, those around us, and our environment. And unlike other assessment tools the PACE does not divide people into types or assume that they have fixed temperaments from birth. A key element of the PACE is its focus on where an individual is now and how they can grow and develop if they choose.

A frequent lecturer in Mexico, Canada, and the U.S., Dr. Teich has addressed groups such as C. G. Jung Institute and the International Conference on Shamanism on such topics as High Performance Leadership, Six Steps to Creative Collaboration, Quantum and Reflective Consciousness, Twin Leadership, Eros and Psyche, Gender Relationship and Consciousness.

In addition to teaching at the University of California, the California Institute of Integral Studies, Sonoma State University, the University of San Francisco, and the Esalen Institute, Dr. Teich has coached executives at some of the world’s most respected corporate giants, including Microsoft, Intel, and Wells Fargo, as well as at emerging companies funded by venture capital firms.

Howard can be contacted through his website: https://solarlunar.com