Vince A. Di Dato – Earthian. Constantly thirsty of knowledge and always trying to learn Compassion. Don’t ask me where I come from. Ask me where I want to be and where I want to go. Share a bit of my way, if you like: traveling Life in good company is always more interesting. “Nemo Me Impune Lacessit”.

Strategy Designer, General Director of XERDAN Ltd. in Malta and 1st Captain of the Italian Army Special Reserve. He begins his career as Architect and Designer, mainly working on sustainability in industrial productions. He won the Compasso d’Oro in 1987 among many other important recognitions and prizes; his projects have been published and presented internationally, also at XVII Triennale di Milano and at Centre Pompidou in Paris. Later on, he re-oriented his activity towards systems analysis and their interconnections, until the most recent development of the





X_Sphere© Design Multidimensional Matrix. Professor at IED – Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan from 2006 to 2010 and tutor for the Master courses in sustainable design. Professor in a Master at Università Pontificia San Bonaventura in Roma, teachingTriple Bottom Line concepts applied to geopolitics and social conflicts, evolving then the Quadruple Bottom Line, that adds “culture” to the three pillars (environment-economy-society). From 2010 to 2018 he teaches Civil-Military Synergies to the Italian Army Military Advisors for the Afghan National Army, at Centro Addestramento Alpino, in Aosta, and he works on new paradigms about conflicts evolution (in the wider sense) and the potential of non-lethal, non-violent activities to prevent and to solve them. He held several lectures and seminars in Italian Universities. He also has a long experience in crisis areas, in Middle East, Central Asia, Central America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and in the United States regarding emergency management, reconstruction and energy and essential services after wars and critical events. He attained specializations within Italian and European Civil Protection. In Iraq he has also been Deputy for the Public Works of the Governor of the CPA (Coalition Provisional Authority) of Dhi Qar Province, in 2004. He is a Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan wars, where he served several shifts between 2004 and 2013. Between 1995 and 2005 he worked as top manager in Energy Service Companies (ESCos) and started three Energy Agencies inside EU network programs. Since 2014 he is advisor for organization & resources for San Marino RTV, State Television of the Republic of San Marino. He also cooperates to an innovative project in Sardinia: the Earth Child House (, a biosphere to guest severely ill children and their mothers-parents for short periods of serenity and beauty, in a natural and protected environment, developed together with the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of Alghero – Universty of Sassari and the Bioarchitecture Department of the Bovisa School of the Politecnico di Milano. He writes and paint, convinced that Art it is fundamental for the human spirit understanding and to open new paths to creativity and imagination to give new solutions to the turbulences of our societies.

In June 2018, his Italian translation of Richard Buckminster Fuller“Operating Manual of Spaceship Earth” has been published by Il Saggiatore. He is now working on a new version of Sun-Tzu: “Vital Startegies, The Competitive Methods in the Vision of Life” and he collaborates with several magazines and media around the world.