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Between Darkness and Joy

Between Darkness and Joy

“Somewhere between the dark night and joy lies a place of simple peaceful loving kindness. A place where I rest and lean safely against myself for awhile; a place where I can be in the silence and hold a sacred space for myself; a place where I know and embrace the full spectrum of vulnerability without judging myself; a place where courage and compassion are not actions, but simply states of being; where self-forgiveness gives way to hope and self love.. an awakening. Here, I lift myself up and know again for the first time what is in my heart… my intentions… and my passions… And from this place I embrace my powers and manifest all that is mine to hold and all that is mine to share…” – c.Boykin





Clay Boykin - Mandala

Clay Boykin – Mandala

Related links:

Holding Sacred Space
A Leap of Faith
Faith, Hope and Love
Twelve Powers




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Between Darkness and Joy

The Ancient Heart of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is both necessary and possible. It is never too late to find forgiveness and start again. Buddhist psychology offers specific teachings and practices for redemption and the development of forgiveness. Like the practice of compassion, forgiveness does not ignore the truth of our suffering. Forgiveness is not weak. It demands courage and integrity. Yet only forgiveness and love can bring about the peace we long for…

Finding a way to extend forgiveness to ourselves is one of our most essential tasks. Just as others have been caught in suffering, so have we. If we look honestly at our life, we can see the sorrows and pain that have led to our own wrongdoing. In this we can finally extend forgiveness to ourselves; we can hold the pain we have caused in compassion. Without such mercy, we will live our own life in exile.” – Jack Kornfield

12 Principles of Forgiveness:

Complete video:

Jack Kornfield – Meditation Audio


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Between Darkness and Joy

Robert Bly: To Feel Grandiose and Worthless

Robert BlyHow can we feel so grand and so worthless? Why are these twin energies correlated in the human psyche? Robert Bly explores the contradiction with teachers and attendees of the Minnesota Men’s Conference, including thoughts from Robert Moore, Tim Young, and Daniel Deardorff.

Founded by Robert Bly in 1984, the Minnesota Men’s Conference celebrates the telling of old stories, the gifts of poetry and music, and opening our hearts to grief, wildness, and joy. We all have a yearning for lives of richness and meaning; this five-day conference is a unique opportunity to enrich ourselves in a community of other men.