Coiled like a snake at the base of the spine, kundalini is the spiritual force that lies dormant in every human being. Once awakened, often through meditation and yoga practices, it rises up the spine and finds expression in the form of spiritual knowledge, mystical vision, psychic powers, and ultimately, enlightenment.

Chuck Robison, Executive Director of the Kundalini Research Foundation, talks about Gene Kiefer and Gopi Krishna. – Gene Kiefer has devoted 42 years of his life to help the world learn about Kundalini as the trigger of evolution in man. He began this journey after a very dramatic dream in 1969 that led him to Pandit Gopi Krishna in India. In time Gene became the editor and publisher of Gopi Krishna’s eighteen books and a confident of the Great Man.Gopi Krishna is widely recognized as having done more to advance our understanding of Kundalini than anyone else in modern times. He has put this amazing aspect of our nature in a logical, consistent and scientific light, and presented us with a new understanding of the goal of evolution, both as individuals and as a species.