Jeff Bullion is a modern day Trailblazer who has set the intention to change how we view fitness and ourselves. Jeff combines his Spiritual life coaching and personal training certifications with neuroscience backed tools to help others reach their ultimate goals.  As a spiritual fitness coach, Jeff helps others find self-acceptance through personal insights & intentional behavior.

In addition to Spiritual Fitness Coaching, Jeff operates the website, which serves as a platform for blogging and providing educational materials.  Jeff’s blog reflects his personal experiences and the accumulation of his lifelong learning.  The blogs range in subject from “understanding why he gets disappointed” to “how he learned to make the right choice every time”.  Common threads in all of his blogs are awareness, consciousness and self-empowerment.   These elements along with “authenticity” are the cornerstone of his coaching practice.

[email protected]
Phone:  512-743-3928

  • NASM/NCCA Certified Personal Trainer #1170107920
  • NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) #1190350069
  • ACTP Certified Spiritual Life Coach
  • ACC International Coaching Federation
  • Divine Intelligence Process Coach